A consortium (fun word, isn't it?) of bloggers are celebrating the 25th anniversary of those wonderful old Super Powers toys. Organized by my man, the Irredeemable Shag, we're all taking a look at the comics that came along with these beauties.
Given the impressive range of figures that were included in the line, there is an equally impressive line of bloggers. Superman's Super Powers existence is examined (that was fun to type!) at the Fortress of Baileytude! Batman is covered by Tommy over on the Batblog. Shag himself has a post on his Firestorm site and his Once Upon a Geek home where he discusses the Dr. Fate figure as well as the proposed Blue Devil and Shockwave figures. Kelson Vibber provides some insight into the Flash's comic. Flash also gets some love from Brian Dixon on the Fastest Man Alive blogspot. As always, Rob Kelly covers the seven seas with Aquaman, who was my personal favorite of the first wave of Super Powers figures. Luke covers Hawkman while Adam heads for the Arrowcave. Frank covers the Martian Manhunter over at the Idol Head. The Joker even gets some love, courtesy of Bee.
Since this is a Doom Patrol blog, it bears mentioning that the DP - not a one of them in any incarnation! - were grossly overlooked and unable to participate in the Super Powers line. So when Shag issued a call to arms for parties interested in sharing the love for the Super Powers figures and their mini comics, I jumped on the chance to give Reddy some attention. After all, if it wasn't for Red Tornado, I would have never sunk hip-deep into collecting comics as a kid. Extrapolate that to now and this blog wouldn't exist if not for Red Tornado.
Stretch it out a little further and the Sunday post featuring Niles Caulder and Reddy makes a little bit of sense now, right?
So, without delaying the inevitable, here's the Red Tornado mini comic, guest starring Green Arrow and Hawkman. Great cover of Reddy opening a can of fist on the Parademons. Classic logo too.

Undoubtedly this figure helped Reddy find a whole new audience. From here, Reddy found his way into molded plastic quite a few times again. Those adventures will eventually be covered on my brand-new, incredibly irregular blog - Red Tornado's Path. Nothing to see yet, but soon, my friends. Soon.

Additionally, Rob Kelly hit us with the logo at the top of this post, while Tommy from the Batblog crafted the logo at the bottom of this post.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled Doom Patrol blog.
I would say that the Doom Patrol was a little too non-kid-friendly for the SPC, but then I thought about the fact that freaking DESAAD made the cut. Robotman, Elastigirl, and Negative Man got screwed... well, Robotman, anyway. You can't really do justice to the other two.
ReplyDeleteAnyway: Red Tornado's Path! Just in time for a new Red Tornado comic book! Can't wait to learn more about the Android Avengerrrr... I mean, ole Reddy!
Wow that's been really cool reading all the different books on everyones different websites. I think the only books I have in any surviving condition are Lex Luthors and Robins.
ReplyDeleteAre you guys planning to do anything similar for DC's 75th next year? If you are and looking for another site to jump in I'd be keen.
Who did the art for this mini-comic?
ReplyDeleteI dunno. They weren't credited and this one looks like it has hints of a range of artists.
ReplyDeleteDoug - Great coverage! Personally I'm surprised they never did (or planned for) a Robotman figure. It just seems logical given the fascination with robots/androids in the 1980s.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to your Red Tornado blog. I just had the honor of being the first "follower" through Friend Connect. I'll be honest, I had to Google the term "ulthoon". I had no idea. I feel like such a JLA noob. :)
Again, great job! Keep up the fantastic work!
The Irredeemable Shag
great post