Yes, my friends, Scissorman. Or at least "RMAN" labeled on a tube containing a red and black character with scissor-like hands. Sure, it's singular, but where there's one. . .
Now I've been a fan of the Justice League in Detroit since I bought Justice League of America Annual #2 off the comic rack at the neighborhood convenience store way back in 1984. Vibe and Gypsy are characters I have faith in and enjoy reading, but to see a connection - albeit slight - to the DP in this title, well, Sterling Gates and crew have given me yet another reason to stay plugged in to one of DC's more fun series.
I asked Gates about the appearance out on Twitter and got this:

Thanks Geoff Johns for the nudge in the right direction! Isn't it time to get the DP back on the publishing schedule though?

Thanks Geoff Johns for the nudge in the right direction! Isn't it time to get the DP back on the publishing schedule though?