Sunday, June 23, 2013

Back on Track? Maybe. . .

As most of y'all know, I'm a reviewer for CBR. As fate would have it, I was reading Justice League of America's Vibe #5 for a potential review when I noticed something. Something Doomy.

It's right here.

Look closely. See?

Yes, my friends, Scissorman. Or at least "RMAN" labeled on a tube containing a red and black character with scissor-like hands. Sure, it's singular, but where there's one. . .

Now I've been a fan of the Justice League in Detroit since I bought Justice League of America Annual #2 off the comic rack at the neighborhood convenience store way back in 1984. Vibe and Gypsy are characters I have faith in and enjoy reading, but to see a connection - albeit slight - to the DP in this title, well, Sterling Gates and crew have given me yet another reason to stay plugged in to one of DC's more fun series. 

I asked Gates about the appearance out on Twitter and got this:

Thanks Geoff Johns for the nudge in the right direction! Isn't it time to get the DP back on the publishing schedule though?