It's not that I don't still love the Doom Patrol, I'm just all over the map right now, reviewing for CBR, doing other stuff for Back to the Past, working, being a dad, y'know, stuff.
At any rate, a little while back, I caught the trailer for the DC Nation and thought I saw something Doom Patrolish.
I did.
Larry, Larry, Larry. Why, it's almost enough to bring back Negative Mondays, isn't it?!?
Then, while doing some reading of those wonderful sites over there (-->) I happened across this from Sue of DC Women Kicking Ass site.
Sorry, Sue, it was so Doom Patrolriffic, I had to snag it first and ask permission later (if at all).
Looks like the DP is going to be a regular bit on this new DC Nation.
Imagine Charlie Brown's happy dance. That's all me right now, my friends.
I'll be making a better effort to give you more. Soon. I promise.