Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Not Doom Patrol!

Hey all!

This is a quickie for you to give you a heads up about a book I think many DP fans might dig. It's called Lola - a Ghost Story. It's written by J. Torres - our friend from the Batman: the Brave and the Bold issue featuring the Doom Patrol - with art by Elbert Or. You can learn a little more about it on J.'s own blog.

You can read my review of it.

Or you can order your own copy.

If Jesse lived in the same world as the DP, I'm pretty sure Niles Caulder would take a vested interest in the young man. . .

Monday, January 4, 2010

Negative Monday 25

Happy New Year! I trust everyone made it through safe and (mostly) sound.

Just a quick reminder to fill this spot for this week. No better way to start the first new comic day of the New Year than with an issue of Doom Patrol, right?

Here's the pencils for the cover, the solicited cover, and a little something extra.

Written by Keith Giffen; co-feature written by Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis; Art by Matthew Clark; co-feature Art by Kevin Maguire; Cover by Matthew Clark

This month, we spotlight Negative Man, who's going to knit the history of The Doom Patrol into one cohesive whole. Cohesive to him, anyway.

Plus, The Metal Men find another gag that those three old geezers doing the feature can run into the ground.

DC Universe | 40pg. | Color | $3.99 US

Happy Negative Monday y'all!